Adam’s work is a conglomerate of the ubiquitous counterposed with rare, precious, or divine elements. Duality, dichotomy, inversion, and reversal are also recurrent themes found across the body of his work. By approaching a new piece in a state of “no mind” he begins each canvas in an aleatoric way, adding specificity and objectivity as the piece develops so the work becomes a dynamic objective statement. Adam incorporates the use of symbols and language into his work, drawing upon classical and modern poetry and prose for inspiration.
Adam has been recognizably influenced by Basquiat and Picasso, and more subtly by the work of Cy Twombly, Jasper Johns, Edvard Munch, Ha Chong Hyun, Pierrre Soulages, Paul Gauguin, Henri Matisse, and Marc Chagall.